1 | Kemdikdbud | Melaksanakan program MBKM | 2022/2023 |
2 | Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM | Melaksanakan program kewirausahaan | 2023/2024 |
3 | STMIK Padang | Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Belajar dan Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) | 2021/2022 |
4 | Binar Academy | Pelaksanaan kampus merdeka pada program studi independent semester ganjil 2021/2022 | 2021/2022 |
5 | PT Inkara | Pelaksanaan Magang | 2023/2024 |
6 | Kominfo | Pelaksanaan Kegiatan sharing session | 2022/2023 |
7 | Maxy Academy | Pelaksanaan Magang | 2023/2024 |
8 | PT WIT Bandung | Pelaksanaan Magang | 2022/2023 |
9 | Binar Academy | Memberikan Pelatihan pada dosen PTI terkait Fundamental Scrum for Product manager | 2022/2023 |
10 | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Kunjungan Ilmiah ke FPMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 2022/2023 |
11 | Universitas Jambi | Transfer Kredit melalui Pertukaaran Pelajar MBKM | 2021/2022 |
12 | STKIP Purwakarta | Pelaksanaan Benchmarking | 2023/2024 |
13 | Universitas Veteran | Sharing Session antar dosen dan mahasiswa | 2023/2024 |
14 | Universitas Halu Oleo | Transfer Kredit melalui Pertukaaran Pelajar MBKM | 2021/2022 |
15 | Balai Bahasa ITB | Melaksanakan TOEFL test prediction | 2021/2022 |
16 | Balai Bahasa Universitas Padjajaran | Melaksanakan TOEFL test prediction | 2023/2024 |
17 | Balai Bahasa ITB | Melaksanakan TOEFL test prediction | 2022/2023 |
18 | UPI Bandung | Melaksanakan kegiatan bersama mahasiswa Asing | 2022/2023 |
19 | Universitas Terbuka | Joint Research dengan topik Multiple Represetation dalam Pengajaran Fisika | 2023/2024 |
20 | Akademi Maritim Cirebon | Penelitian dan Publikasi dengan topik pendekatan Inquiry Demonstation | 2021/2022 |
21 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Penelitian dan Publikasi dengan topik Problem Solving AR Laboratory | 2023/2024 |
22 | Universitas PGRI Madiun | Co-host Konferensi Internasional di ICETECH 2022 | 2022/2023 |
23 | LSP Tematik | Kegiatan sertifikasi bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Garut | 2021/2022 |
24 | LSP Perkantoran | Kegiatan sertifikasi bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Garut | 2021/2022 |
25 | Perpustakaan Nasional republik Indonesia | Kegiatan sosialisasi literasi dini | 2022/2023 |
26 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | The representation of laboratory activities in indonesian physics textbooks: a content analysis | 2021/2022 |
27 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | The portrayal of women in Indonesian national physics textbooks: a textual analysis | 2021/2022 |
28 | Universitas Tidar | Investigating existence of research skills in pre-service science teachers’ lesson plan document | 2021/2022 |
29 | Universitas Terbuka | The Use of the Constructivist Teaching Sequence (CTS) to Facilitate Changes in the Visual Representations of Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students: A Case Study on Teaching Heat Convection Concepts | 2022/2023 |
30 | Universitas Terbuka | The effects of teaching with real, virtual, and real-virtual experimentation modes on conceptual knowledge and science process skills among sixth-grade primary school students: a case study on concepts of electricity | 2021/2022 |
31 | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Application of GUI Matlab in physics: Planetary motion (Kepler’s Law) | 2021/2022 |
32 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Applying Problem-Based Learning in Thermodynamics to Enhance Comprehension of Physics Concepts and Argumentation Skills | 2022/2023 |
33 | Universitas Kebangsaan Republik Indonesia | Preliminary development of simulation on refutational-text (sort) to change conception of physics: Rasch and nvivo analysis | 2022/2023 |
34 | Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya | Parent’s perspective on early childhood learning needs during Covid-19 using NVivo 12 software: A case study in Indonesia | 2021/2022 |
35 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Development of Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Strategy Assisted by Rebuttal Texts on Newton’s Law Material with Rasch Analysis | 2021/2022 |
37 | University of HKBP Nommensen Medan | Statistical Data Retrieval Technique in Astronomy Computational Physics | 2022/2023 |
38 | STIT Muhammadiyah Kota Banjar. | Pemanfaatan Kecerdasan Buatan pada Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Google Assistant, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Materi Hukum Newton | 2022/2023 |
39 | Pangandaran marine and fisheries Polytechnic. | Exploring the Interconnectedness of Cosmological Parameters and Observations: Insights into The Properties and Evolution of The Universe | 2021/2022 |
40 | Universitas Negeri Medan | Separation of Variables Method in Solving Partial Differential Equations and Investigating the Relationship between Gravitational Field Tensor and Energy-Momentum Tensor in Einstein’s Theory of Gravity | 2022/2023 |
41 | Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh | Investigating the Density Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxies: Monte Carlo Analysis and Model Comparison | 2022/2023 |
42 | Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Nusa Tenggara Barat | Pengantar Matematika Geometri Lubang Hitam | 2022/2023 |
43 | Universitas Negeri Medan | Investigating the Relationship between Climate Variables and Solar Activity: A Regression Analysis Approach | 2022/2023 |
44 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Mengungkap Kearifan Lokal Kampung Naga Etnosains untuk Konservasi Air, Arsitektur, dan Pertanian | 2022/2023 |
45 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Representasi Pengetahuan | 2022/2023 |
46 | Universitas Negeri Medan. | Pengantar Komputasi Fisika Dan Aplikasinya Menggunakan Excell | 2021/2022 |
47 | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Senior Medan | Solution And Visualization 3D Plane Inverse Kinematics Method | 2022/2023 |
48 | Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia | Relationship Between BE4DBE2 and Variables n and z: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Linear Regression, Nonparametric Regression, Naive Bayes Classification, Decision Tree Analysis, SVM Analysis, K-Means Clustering, and Bayesian Regression | 2022/2023 |
49 | Universitas Negeri Makasar | Spektroskopi & Struktur Atom : Teori dan Aplikasi | 2023/2023 |