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Sharing Session ‘Innovative Practices in Teaching’

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The Indonesian Institute of Education, specifically the Faculty of Applied Sciences, organized an International Sharing Session in collaboration with IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas Malaysia and Kolej Tingkatan Enam Datuk Pangiran Galpam Sandakan on Friday, May 31, 2023. The event focused on teaching innovations in the contexts of Indonesia and Malaysia.

Attended by 102 participants, comprising lecturers, teachers, and students from both Indonesia and Malaysia, this event involved three key speakers including Cikgu Amit Bin Awang, Diah Ika Putri, M.Pd., and Puan Norani Abd Rahim. These speakers discussed teaching innovations that had been implemented with students, highlighting their positive impact on enhancing students’ abilities, particularly in the fields of science and language. During the session, each speaker presented their teaching innovations and demonstrated practical implementations, which included interactive simulations and a Q&A segment.

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